Find yourself again

Regain your health, energy, balance, and sense of calm – without fad diets or strict health regimes!

Book your free call to find out how.


Are life’s demands robbing you of joy? Do you feel too busy, stressed, or tired to focus on what’s really important to you? Is trying to please everyone and do everything right sapping your energy, and is your physical, emotional, and spiritual health suffering as a result? Perhaps you wish you had the time and energy to be healthier; or maybe you believe you can’t possibly live any healthier than you already do, but still don’t quite feel yourself?

My name is Cristal, and I’m a certified Health Coach. I help busy Christian men and women to:

  • Reclaim their health, energy, focus, and work/life balance
  • Break free from the trappings of stress and perfectionism
  • Enjoy healthy living without feeling deprived, so they can be free to live the life God’s designed them to live.

I do this using a blend of nutrition and lifestyle education, coupled with powerful coaching techniques to keep my clients motivated and accountable throughout their health journey.

As a result, my clients transform their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, improve their relationship with food, and experience personal growth.

Feel like you again!

What if you could feel energised, healthy, calm, and collected, no matter what is going on around you?

In my Calm & Collected guide, you will discover how to:

  • Break free from stress, anxiety, and overwhelm
  • Regain your energy and focus
  • Feel like your old self again (or even better!)

Sign up to my newsletter and get your complimentary Calm & Collected guide today!


The Grow approach

If you’re looking for another diet, you’ve come to the wrong place...but, if you are serious about transforming your lifestyle, habits, mindset, and relationship with food and health, keep reading!

At Grow Health Coaching, I use a blend of nutrition and lifestyle education, coupled with powerful coaching techniques to help keep you motivated and accountable throughout your transformation journey.

Through health coaching, you will:

  • Choose what you want: Work with me to set specific health and wellness goals that YOU want to achieve.
  • Practice accountability: Be held accountable to achieve those goals through regular sessions with, and feedback to me.
  • Get educated: Receive nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset education relevant to your unique situation and goals.
  • Feel connected: Receive encouragement and support from me throughout the journey.
  • Break through barriers: Overcome obstacles to reaching your health goals by engaging in open discussions with me about challenges you are facing, and working with me to remove those obstacles.
  • Commit for the long run: Work on your goals in a structured way over a period of time (remember, any true, lasting change doesn’t happen overnight).
  • Grow: Experience personal and spiritual growth as you embark on a journey of learning, reflection, change, and self-discovery.

Are you ready to take the first step towards your new life? Book a complimentary 45-minute New Life Strategy Call.

New Life Strategy Call

What is stopping you from living your best life? And what are you going to do about it?

Book a free 45-minute video call with me to discover what is stealing your energy, joy, peace, and sense of wellbeing, and how to overcome those barriers so you can live your best life.

Book now


One-to-one coaching

Personalised, one-on-one health coaching to suit your unique situation.

Coaching sessions can be conducted via Zoom, Skype, or telephone call; or in person (if within driving distance from my practice).

Book your complimentary New Life Strategy Call to find out more about the one-to-one package best suited to your needs.

Group programmes

Structured, themed programmes ranging from 4-10 weeks, with one live session per week (or every second week, depending on the programme selected).

These programmes follow a set curriculum, and incorporate a blend of education and coaching, as well as group interaction. Suitable for small groups (4-10 people), as well as larger groups (20+), depending on the programme selected.

Group programmes can be hosted via Zoom or Skype, or in person at the client’s venue of choice (within a 10km radius from my practice).

Bespoke programmes for teams, families, schools, universities, companies and churches can also be arranged.

Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest group programmes on offer, or get in touch via email for more information.

Pricing: Dependent on number of participants and length of programme

Learn more

Talks and workshops

Educational talks and workshops on a variety of health and wellness topics, depending on the client’s needs.

Talks and workshops can be hosted via Zoom or Skype, or in person at the client’s venue of choice within South Africa.

Have a specific health and wellness topic you would like your team, students, employees, customers, or congregation to learn about? Get in touch via email with your request, and I'll get back to you.

Pricing: Dependent on number of participants, level of interactivity, length of event, and travelling distance.

Learn more

Book me

Are you ready to take the first step towards your new life?

Book your complimentary 45-min New Life Strategy Call by filling in the form below.

For other queries, get in touch via email:

Growth stories

About Grow

Hi, I’m Cristal, founder of Grow Health Coaching and passionate ambassador of healthy, balanced living. Through my business, I help busy Christian men and women live their best lives. How? By helping them to reclaim their health, energy, focus, and work/life balance, break free from stress and perfectionism, and adopt a healthy lifestyle – without feeling deprived! This frees them to live the life God’s designed them to live.

My mission when working with clients is to help them transform their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, improve their relationship with food, and experience personal growth.

For years, I struggled with several persistent health problems, including severe food and environmental allergies/intolerances, digestive troubles, frequent colds and respiratory infections, low moods, as well as lifestyle-, mindset- and perfectionism-induced anxiety and stress. A classic overachiever at school, university, and in my corporate career, yet tired, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled. I used to joke that I could open a pharmacy, because I was so well-versed in (and stocked with) Western medicine staples; a pill for every problem. When I discovered that life didn’t have to be this way, and that God had a better design for our lives, a whole new world opened to me. Suddenly there was hope – and a firm belief that I could choose to change my life. I immersed myself in learning all I could about natural health and wellness, and today, by the grace of God and a firm commitment to a new way of living, I am free from nearly all the symptoms that plagued me for the better part of my life. Following this breakthrough, I decided to become a HCA certified Health Coach, so I could help others transform their health and live their best life.

Disclaimer: Grow Health Coaching (hereafter referred to as ‘Grow’) is not a medical organisation and the information generated by Grow should not be interpreted as a substitute for a medical consultation. Nothing contained in the one-on-one or group programmes, talks, webinars, podcasts, blogs, or courses offered by Grow should be construed as medical advice or diagnosis. It is your responsibility to determine, through obtaining appropriate medical advice, that you are fit and well and that such contents and services are suitable for you. It is not Grow’s responsibility to do so. Please seek advice from your doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health or you are very overweight, before commencing any exercise regime, if you have an existing medical condition that could be affected by changes in eating habits, if you believe you have an eating disorder, or if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Grow’s services are not intended for those under the age of 18 without consent from a parent, doctor or guardian.